Monday, July 23, 2007

what is Yahoo doing to stop this scam?

Almost everyday e-mails are sent to various net users informing them that Yahoo is giving them $500 prize for their monthly draws. The wiser ones would immediately delete the scam mail but there are some who aren't as wise and would actually follow the steps and click to the link provided to claim payment. Alas, the last part tells the user to pay a $9 more or less for registration or whatever convenient excuse they have. A lot of people had e-mailed Yahoo about this and were told that Yahoo has nothing to do with this scam. It's not Yahoo who sent you that mail. But how did the scammer get hold of your e-mail? Sounds stinky but one thing we need to always remember, net junkies, DELETE when it looks suspicious.


young_souljah said...

I havent recived that email. Lucky me

Naughty Nina said...

Your blog has been reviewed at